Game Info

Further details about the games I've made

Manipulation was another challenge project for myself. I wanted to see if I could make a game within a day.

I'd say the overall time it took to actually put everything together was probably about 15-20hrs, give or take my messing around with different plugins and game-testing.

This game is what it says on the tin: Manipulation between our two main characters. An unnamed boy and his girlfriend are coming to terms with something tragic, and the boy is convincing his girlfriend to either help them "deal with it", or leave.

As stated in the game pages' posts, I was happy to use a familiar tileset in using the Sengoku DS+ set. Another homage to my first engine, FES for the 3DS.

The game is quite dialogue heavy in a certain part, but I feel like this is what really brought everything together to make it a cohesive "story".

The unnamed boy originally moved out to this home to get some fresh air, and to have relief of the burden (to some extent) of the chaotic hustle and bustle of city life. The boy and his girlfriend are probably not of sound mind, as can be inferred through the conversation the two have near the climax of the game, and I'd like to think I portrayed that properly.

As someone who is neurodivergent and also mentally unwell, I would like to hope that I portrayed these characters in a way that doesn't glorify their actions- but rather, give explanation as to why things went the way they did. I'm sure this doesn't make much sense unless you've played the game, but I digress.

This game is also available to play on my! (: I apologize for the dark lighting in the browser version of the game- I'm not sure what causes that to happen.

Additionally, when playing the downloadable version, you may run into a bug that cannot read the titles of the song names, if your system is not set to Japanese Locale. ((the song titles are written in Japanese characters since that's the format they came in from the free to use source.))

Please either change your system locale to Japanese, or feel free to play the browser version. If you're stuck, feel free to message me on, or email me at
