Game Info

Further details about the games I've made

Mermaid's Cove was made for the 4th RPG Maker Horror Game Jam (outgoing link) Hosted by Beregon and Daybloom Project on itchio!

Update: Our game won first place! RESULTS (outgoing link)

Another collaboration game made together with my husband, YellowOni!

This game follows the character Alga, and her plight about wanting to live a "free" life. She's betrothed to a man she isn't in love with, and wishes to explore the sea...

Do mind the warnings on the itchio page! There's segments of open bodies of water, although pixelated/pixel art. There is also underwater segments that may include suffocation/drowning if that's a trigger for you (Only in the game-over instances). There is also pixelated blood/gore, mild swearing, and some flickering lights. Play Safe!!

During the game, she comes face to face with an eerie creature- something people have only ever heard of in legends; a Siren.

As she explores further, she learns how these creatures are just that: Animals. Beasts. Things that cannot think or comprehend actions like humans can.

And yet... something about them calls to her (No pun intended). She wishes she could be free as they, the Sirens can be.

Made in about a month, this game was a little more difficult for me and my husband to work on- mostly because I wanted to be able to include more gameplay than my other entries for jams. (Since my games are usually mostly story and less gameplay)

While there is a little more to do in regards to a few "puzzles", it's still a game that is text heavy and more story based like I tend to make;;

Again, I felt like I over-explained a lot in this game- I think I ended up holding the player's hand a bit, but we'll see how people feel if they check it out for themselves. Ideally, I wish I left things a bit more ambiguous, but I think what we've made is cohesive enough.

Special shoutout to my dear friend, Megueggu (@megueggu on other platforms!) for their assistance in some puzzle ideas!

All in all, I think the game ended up coming together nicely! I hope you'll check it out if you have the time! Gameplay can take anywhere from 45mis ~ 1hr, depending if you read the dialogue + interact with things. Thank you!!