Egg Blog

January 2nd 2024

Hahaha...;; It's been quite a few months since my last entry!! A whole lot of stuff happened since then- for worse but then a bit better, I think.

Let's see... I was able to complete my first gamejam entry (not counting the god awful one I made for the YNFG a while ago;;;), I released a short game about cooking a stew, made in collaboration with my husband!

There were a LOT of really, REALLY bad things that happened in 2023. Some I don't know if I'm quite ready to go into detail just yet. There's a lot of things I'm still figuring out about myself, too. It's a constant struggle; coming to terms and accepting my being disabled and whether or not the US government will acknowledge that. I've been talking with my therapist a lot about other things as well.

I don't want to have too high of hopes for this year, but I don't want to be pessimistic about it, either. I'm trying to teach myself not to be so hard on myself- on the outlook on things. Although, maybe I'm just feeling a neutral plateau because of some brainfog stuff. Idk.

I keep telling myself that I want to TRY to get into servers again, try and make friends, but I'm still so shy about it. As I age, though, it feels slightly less and less intimidating when I think of it all in the long run. I mean, it's easy for me to say that now, since I'm not actively doing anything about it in the moment, but it's the principal of the thing.

I don't think it's selfish or dumb to at least want to hope that this year brings just a little bit of goodness to our family- I'm starting to accept that kind of thinking as well. Or, I'm going to try to accept it. Maybe I'm thinking with clarity because the year just started? Like some monkey part of my brain is like: "oh hey, new year! Time to start anew (:"- like geez, way to save it all for the end of the year haha...

Anyway, as for my webpage, I know I've been pretty slacking when it comes to consistant updates, but I get distracted and overwhelmed quite easily. I suppose that's just another excuse, though. I can say I wish or I hope I'll be more on the ball with it, but if I give myself that kind of "goal", then I'll end up burning myself out just trying to figure things out.

None of this really makes much sense, probably. That's alright- I'll look back on this and probably think: "Haha, so optimistic (: what a fool." Uh, guess that's the pessimism peeking through, lmao. I'll call it there for now. Just hopping in to do something new for myself, I suppose.

Thanks for reading so far, if you did. Hope ya'll have a happy New Year, (a day late, haha) and please stay safe! <3